Manual update stuck: Searching for updates on this computer.

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Just sharing my case about this issue. There are definitely more causes for this issue.
During a automated patch window I faced a 2016 server which was installed 04-2018 and did never had any updates. No luck with SCCM, the updates just did not appear with the message: “getupdateinfo – failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215”

So I decided to patch this server manually. But the installer get stuck on: “Searching for updates on this server”.

The following steps did the trick:

  1. Trying to stop the Windows Update and SMS Host agent service in Services.msc.
  2. No luck. Services hanged on “stopping”.
  3. Killed both PID’s with process explorer.
  4. Delete c:\windows\softwaredistribution
  5. Clearing SCCM Cache.
  6. Disable SMS Host agent service.
  7. Now the manual updates where working again.

After installing  2018-05 and the newest “servicing stack” update everything was working again.

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